0106032026 - LOC DUONG LIMITED
Vietnamese name | CÔNG TY TNHH LỘC ĐƯỜNG |
0106032026 | |
Area B of Xuan Mai concrete factory, Xuan Trung village, Thuy Xuan Tien Commune, Chuong My District, Hanoi City, Vietnam | |
979932573 | |
09/11/2012 | |
Non-state limited company |
Not operating at registered address | |
Vietnamese accounting standards and regime | |
Road freight transport. | |
02/05/2024 | |
LOC DUONG LIMITED has a tax ID 0106032026 and was established on 09/11/2012 and the company is located at Area B of Xuan Mai concrete factory, Xuan Trung village, Thuy Xuan Tien Commune, Chuong My District, Hanoi City, Vietnam . Its main business is Road freight transport. . The company is currently Not operating at registered address . Information on invoice warnings was published on 27/08/2014. |