vietnamcompanycheck 0109337805 - HUY HOANG TRADING AND DVSX COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH DVSX VÀ THƯƠNG MẠI HUY HOÀNG
Business ID/ Tax ID 0109337805
Head office Ngoc Chi Village, Vinh Ngoc Commune, Dong Anh District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Date of registration 10/09/2020
Social insurance overdue payment history
- Overdue record on 29/02/2024. Published by the Hanoi Social Insurance Department on 05/03/2024
- Overdue record on 30/06/2023. Published by the Hanoi Social Insurance Department on 05/07/2023
Legal type of business Non-state limited liability company with 2 or more members
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Wholesale of other household goods
Last update 02/05/2024
HUY HOANG TRADING AND DVSX COMPANY LIMITED (abbreviated as HUY HOANG TDVS CO.,LTD) has a tax ID of 0109337805 and was registered on 10/09/2020 and its headquarters are located at Ngoc Chi Village, Vinh Ngoc Commune, Dong Anh District, Hanoi City, Vietnam . The primary business activity is Wholesale of other household goods .The company is Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4322 Installation of water supply and drainage systems, heating and air conditioning systems
4610 Agents, brokers, and auctioneers of goods
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4661 Wholesale of solid fuel, liquid fuel, gas, and related products
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4751 Retail sale of fabrics, wool, yarn, sewing thread, and other textile products in specialized stores
4759 Retail sale of household electrical appliances, beds, cabinets, tables, chairs, similar furniture, lamps, and lighting equipment, and other household items not elsewhere classified in specialized stores
4771 Retail sale of clothing, footwear, leather and imitation leather goods in specialized stores
4772 Retail sale of drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and toiletries in specialized stores
4773 Retail sale of other new goods in specialized stores
4774 Retail sale of used merchandise in specialized stores.
4784 Retail sale of other household appliances from mobile stalls or markets.
7730 Rental of machinery, equipment, and tangible goods (without operators).