vietnamcompanycheck 0316299643 - THINH HUNG NGUYEN TRADING COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH THƯƠNG MẠI THỊNH HƯNG NGUYÊN
Business ID/ Tax ID 0316299643
Head office 43 Dao Duy Tu, Area 1, Ward III, Vi Thanh City, Hau Giang Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 29/05/2020
Legal type of business Non-state limited company
Operating status Temporarily closed
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Wholesale of food products
Last update 02/05/2024
THINH HUNG NGUYEN TRADING COMPANY LIMITED has a tax ID of 0316299643 and was registered on 29/05/2020 and its headquarters are located at 43 Dao Duy Tu, Area 1, Ward III, Vi Thanh City, Hau Giang Province, Vietnam . The primary business activity is Wholesale of food products .The company is Temporarily closed .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
1020 Processing and preservation of seafood and seafood products
1512 Production of suitcases, handbags, and similar items; production of saddles
3290 Other unspecified manufacturing activities
4632 Wholesale of food products
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
8292 Packaging Services