vietnamcompanycheck 0600342157 - VU NHU PRIVATE ENTERPRISE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name DOANH NGHIỆP TƯ NHÂN VŨ NHƯ
Business ID/ Tax ID 0600342157
Head office No. 153 Nguyen Du, Vi Hoang Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 08/11/2005
Operating status Terminated without completion of legal procedures
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Steam baths, massage, and similar activities for promoting general health (excluding sports activities).
Last update 02/05/2024
VU NHU PRIVATE ENTERPRISE has a tax ID of 0600342157 and was registered on 08/11/2005 and its headquarters are located at No. 153 Nguyen Du, Vi Hoang Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam . The primary business activity is Steam baths, massage, and similar activities for promoting general health (excluding sports activities). .The company is Terminated without completion of legal procedures .

History of company

Items Previous information Last update
Vietnamese name Doanh Nghiệp Tư Nhân Vũ Như 20-11-2022

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4933 Road freight transport.
5510 Short-stay accommodation services
5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
9610 Steam baths, massage, and similar activities for promoting general health (excluding sports activities).