vietnamcompanycheck 0600344108 - GIA LINH PRIVATE ENTERPRISE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name DOANH NGHIỆP TƯ NHÂN GIA LINH
Business ID/ Tax ID 0600344108
Head office No. 19 Han Thuyen Street, Vi Hoang Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh
Date of registration 19/01/2006
Tax overdue payment history Late tax payment date: May 31, 2023 Announcing unit: Nam Dinh Provincial Tax Department, notice No. 2792/TB-CCTKV dated June 14, 2023
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Fur clothing production

- Production of products made from fur such as:
- + Fur costumes and accessories,
- + Accessories made from fur such as sheets, pads, strips...
- Other by-products from fur such as carpets, cushions, industrial polishing pieces.
Last update 02/05/2024
GIA LINH PRIVATE ENTERPRISE has a tax ID of 0600344108 and was registered on 19/01/2006 and its headquarters are located at No. 19 Han Thuyen Street, Vi Hoang Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh . The primary business activity is Fur clothing production , and tax arrears history as of 31/05/2023 .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
1420 Fur clothing production