vietnamcompanycheck 1102036790 - DANG HÍA COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH ĐẶNG HÍA
Business ID/ Tax ID 1102036790
Paid-up capital
Head office 209/70 Chau Thi Kim, Ward 7, Tan An City, Long An Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 14/08/2023
Operating status Temporarily closed
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Wholesale of agricultural and forestry raw materials (excluding wood, bamboo, and rattan) and live animals
Last update 02/05/2024
DANG HÍA COMPANY LIMITED has a tax ID 1102036790 and was established on 14/08/2023 . The company’s initial capital is (VNĐ),00 and its headquarters are located at 209/70 Chau Thi Kim, Ward 7, Tan An City, Long An Province, Vietnam . The primary business activity is Wholesale of agricultural and forestry raw materials (excluding wood, bamboo, and rattan) and live animals . The company is currently Temporarily closed . For more details, contact 0918496479 or email [email protected]

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4530 Sale of spare parts and accessories for motor vehicles and other motor vehicles
4620 Wholesale of agricultural and forestry raw materials (excluding wood, bamboo, and rattan) and live animals
5229 Other support services related to transportation