vietnamcompanycheck 1102048644 - THIEN TRUONG NHAN ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH MỘT THÀNH VIÊN THIÊN TRƯỜNG NHÂN
Business ID/ Tax ID 1102048644
Paid-up capital
Head office No. 256A National Road N2, Chanh Hamlet, Duc Lap Ha Commune, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 17/01/2024
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Site preparation
Last update 02/05/2024
THIEN TRUONG NHAN ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED has a tax ID of 1102048644 and was registered on 17/01/2024 . The company’s initial capital is (VNĐ),00 and its headquarters are located at No. 256A National Road N2, Chanh Hamlet, Duc Lap Ha Commune, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Vietnam . The primary business activity is Site preparation .The company is Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0810 Stone, Sand, Gravel, and Clay Quarrying
0891 Extraction of Chemical Minerals and Mineral Fertilizers
0892 Peat Extraction and Collection
1811 Printing
1812 Related printing services
1820 Reproduction of recorded media
2011 Basic chemical production
2012 Fertilizer and nitrogen compound production
2021 Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
3312 Repair of machinery and equipment
3313 Repair of electronic and optical equipment
3314 Repair of electrical equipment
3700 Wastewater collection and treatment
3811 Non-hazardous waste collection
3812 Collection of hazardous waste
3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
4101 Construction of residential buildings
4102 Construction of non-residential buildings
4212 Construction of road works
4222 Construction of water supply and drainage works
4299 Construction of other civil engineering works
4311 Demolition
4312 Site preparation
4620 Wholesale of agricultural and forestry raw materials (excluding wood, bamboo, and rattan) and live animals
4653 Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment, and machine parts
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4662 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
4663 Wholesale of materials and installation equipment for construction
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4933 Road freight transport.
5022 Inland water freight transport.
5224 Cargo handling
5510 Short-stay accommodation services