vietnamcompanycheck 1200337757 - TUBBER AND LUNG DISEASES HOSPITAL

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name BỆNH VIỆN LAO VÀ BỆNH PHỔI TIỀN GIANG
Business ID/ Tax ID 1200337757
Head office 504/1A Long Hung hamlet, group 22 - Phuoc Thanh Commune - My Tho City - Tien Giang
Date of registration 18/09/1998
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Activities of Hospitals and Medical Stations
Last update 02/05/2024
TUBBER AND LUNG DISEASES HOSPITAL has a tax ID of 1200337757 and was registered on 18/09/1998 and its headquarters are located at 504/1A Long Hung hamlet, group 22 - Phuoc Thanh Commune - My Tho City - Tien Giang . The primary business activity is Activities of Hospitals and Medical Stations .The company is Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
8610 Activities of Hospitals and Medical Stations