vietnamcompanycheck 1900613681 - PHUC AN COOPERATIVE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name HỢP TÁC XÃ PHÚC AN
Business ID/ Tax ID 1900613681
Head office 177, Phuoc Thanh 1 Hamlet, Long Thanh Commune, Vinh Loi District, Bac Lieu Province
Date of registration 29/09/2016
Legal type of business Cooperative
Operating status Terminated
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Livestock Farming
Last update 02/05/2024
Established on 29/09/2016, HỢP TÁC XÃ PHÚC AN has a tax ID of 1900613681 . The company is headquartered at 177, Phuoc Thanh 1 Hamlet, Long Thanh Commune, Vinh Loi District, Bac Lieu Province and operates in Livestock Farming .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
014 Livestock Farming
46204 Wholesale of animal feed and feed ingredients for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture