1900687820 - HOLY THAI NGOC LONG
Vietnamese name | THÁNH THẤT NGỌC LONG |
1900687820 | |
Ca Ro hamlet, Minh Dieu Commune, Hoa Binh District, Bac Lieu | |
0978548672- | |
08/03/2023 | |
Active (Issued with certification) | |
Vietnamese accounting standards and regime | |
02/05/2024 | |
HOLY THAI NGOC LONG has a tax ID 1900687820 and was established on 08/03/2023 and its headquarters are located at Ca Ro hamlet, Minh Dieu Commune, Hoa Binh District, Bac Lieu . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification) . For more details, contact 0978548672- |