vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH DỊCH VỤ VẬN TẢI PHƯƠNG LỊCH
English name Phuong Lich Transport Service Company Limited
Business ID/ Tax ID 2400980131
Head office Yen Tap Ben village, Yen Lu commune, Yen Dung district, Bac Giang
Date of registration 13/12/2023
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Road freight transport.
Last update 02/05/2024
Phuong Lich Transport Service Company Limited was established on 13/12/2023 with the tax ID of 2400980131 . The headquarters is located at Yen Tap Ben village, Yen Lu commune, Yen Dung district, Bac Giang . The company specializes in Road freight transport. . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4911 Railway passenger transport.
4912 Railway freight transport.
4921 Bus passenger transport within the city.
4922 Bus passenger transport between the city and suburbs or interprovincial routes.
4929 Bus passenger transport of other types.
4931 Passenger transport by road within the city and suburbs (excluding bus transport).
4932 Other road passenger transport.
4933 Road freight transport.
4940 Pipeline transport.
5011 Coastal and ocean passenger transport.
5012 Coastal and ocean freight transport.
5021 Inland water passenger transport.
5022 Inland water freight transport.
5110 Air passenger transport.
5120 Air cargo transportation
5210 Warehousing and storage of goods
5221 Direct support activities for railway transportation
5222 Direct support activities for water transportation
5223 Direct support activities for air transportation
5224 Cargo handling
5225 Direct support activities for road transportation
5229 Other support services related to transportation
7911 Travel Agencies
7912 Tour Operation
7990 Reservation Services and Related Support Services for Promotion and Organization of Tours