2500484289 - UNT OFFICER - LE PHUC THO
Vietnamese name | CÁN BỘ UNT - LÊ PHÚC THỌ |
Chi cục Thuế Lập Thạch |
2500484289 | |
Lap Thach Tax Department - Lap Thach Town - Lap Thach District - Vinh Phuc | |
20/07/2012 | |
Business and administrative units |
Terminated | |
Vietnamese accounting standards and regime | |
Financial service activities (except insurance and pension funding). | |
02/05/2024 | |
UNT OFFICER - LE PHUC THO (shortened as Chi cục Thuế Lập Thạch) has a tax ID 2500484289 and was established on 20/07/2012 and its headquarters are located at Lap Thach Tax Department - Lap Thach Town - Lap Thach District - Vinh Phuc . The primary business activity is Financial service activities (except insurance and pension funding). . The company is currently Terminated |
Registered business lines
Industry code | Industry name |
64 | Financial service activities (except insurance and pension funding). |