vietnamcompanycheck 2700962951 - LE HIEU ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH MTV LÊ HIẾU
Business ID/ Tax ID 2700962951
Paid-up capital
Head office No. 11 Alley 128, Truong Han Sieu Street, Phuc Chinh 1 Street, Nam Thanh Ward, Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh
Date of registration 01/04/2024
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Construction of non-residential buildings
Last update 02/05/2024
LE HIEU ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED was established on 01/04/2024 with the tax ID of 2700962951 and an initial capital of (VNĐ),00 . The headquarters is located at No. 11 Alley 128, Truong Han Sieu Street, Phuc Chinh 1 Street, Nam Thanh Ward, Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh . The company specializes in Construction of non-residential buildings . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4322 Installation of water supply and drainage systems, heating and air conditioning systems
4329 Installation of other building installation systems
4330 Completion of construction works
4390 Other specialized construction activities
4663 Wholesale of materials and installation equipment for construction
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
7110 Architectural activities and related technical consulting.
4690 General retail trade
5210 Warehousing and storage of goods
5224 Cargo handling
4101 Construction of residential buildings
4102 Construction of non-residential buildings
4211 Construction of railway works
4212 Construction of road works
4221 Construction of electrical works
4222 Construction of water supply and drainage works
4223 Construction of telecommunication and information works
4229 Construction of other public utility works
4291 Construction of hydraulic works
4292 Construction of mining works
4293 Construction of processing and manufacturing works
4299 Construction of other civil engineering works
4311 Demolition
4312 Site preparation
4321 Installation of electrical systems
4752 Retail sale of locks, paints, glass, and other construction installation materials in specialized stores
4759 Retail sale of household electrical appliances, beds, cabinets, tables, chairs, similar furniture, lamps, and lighting equipment, and other household items not elsewhere classified in specialized stores