vietnamcompanycheck 2901981270 - THINH KY AGRICULTURAL - FORESTRY COOPERATIVE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name HTX NÔNG - LÂM NGHIỆP THỊNH KỲ
Business ID/ Tax ID 2901981270
Head office Ban Tieng Hamlet, Chau Thai Commune, Quy Hop District, Nghe An - Chau Thai Commune - Quy Hop District - Nghe An
Date of registration 13/05/2019
Legal type of business Cooperative
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Collection of Other Forest Products, excluding Wood

- - Collecting wild fruits and vegetables such as canarium, berries, nuts, oil fruits, wild mushrooms, wild vegetables, natural forest fruits;
- - Collecting other products from natural forests...
Last update 02/05/2024
THINH KY AGRICULTURAL - FORESTRY COoperative has a tax ID 2901981270 and was established on 13/05/2019 and its headquarters are located at Ban Tieng Hamlet, Chau Thai Commune, Quy Hop District, Nghe An - Chau Thai Commune - Quy Hop District - Nghe An . The primary business activity is Collection of Other Forest Products, excluding Wood . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification)

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0232 Collection of Other Forest Products, excluding Wood