vietnamcompanycheck 3301725245 - S51 COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH S51
English name S51 COMPANY LIMITED
Short name S51
Business ID/ Tax ID 3301725245
Paid-up capital
Head office 51 Ong Ich Khiem, Thuan Hoa Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 13/09/2023
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Advertising.
Last update 02/05/2024
S51 COMPANY LIMITED was founded on 13/09/2023 with the tax ID 3301725245 . The company has an initial registered capital of (VNĐ),00 and is located at 51 Ong Ich Khiem, Thuan Hoa Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam . It operates in the field of Advertising. . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
1811 Printing
1812 Related printing services
4932 Other road passenger transport.
5229 Other support services related to transportation
5510 Short-stay accommodation services
5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
5629 Other food service activities
5630 Beverage service activities
5911 Motion picture, video, and television program production activities.
5913 Motion picture, video, and television program distribution activities.
5920 Sound recording and music publishing activities.
6312 Web portals.
7310 Advertising.
7830 Labor Supply and Management
7911 Travel Agencies
7912 Tour Operation
7990 Reservation Services and Related Support Services for Promotion and Organization of Tours
8230 Organization of Introductions and Commercial Promotions
9000 Creative, artistic, and entertainment activities.