vietnamcompanycheck 3400436082 - LE THI TU TRINH INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name LÊ THỊ TÚ TRINH
Business ID/ Tax ID 3400436082
Head office Quarter 7- Duc Thang (86184-56cv) - Duc Thang Ward - Phan Thiet City - Binh Thuan
Date of registration 29/11/2005
Legal type of business Individual business households
Operating status Not operating at registered address
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Marine Fishery Extraction

- - Fishing;
- - Catching crustaceans and molluscs in the sea;
- - Whaling;
- - Catching other animals living in the sea such as turtles, sea urchins...
- - Collecting marine creatures used as raw materials such as: natural pearls, sponges, corals and algae;
- - Exploitation of natural marine aquatic breeds;
- Preservation and processing of seafood right on fishing boats.
Last update 02/05/2024
LE THI TU TRINH INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD BUSINESS was founded on 29/11/2005 with the tax ID 3400436082 and is located at Quarter 7- Duc Thang (86184-56cv) - Duc Thang Ward - Phan Thiet City - Binh Thuan . It operates in the field of Marine Fishery Extraction . The company is currently Not operating at registered address .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0311 Marine Fishery Extraction