Vietnamese name | DNTN THỰC PHẨM PHAN RÍ |
Fanri's food Enterprise | |
3400757142 | |
No. 163 Thong Nhat, Phan Ri Cua Town, Tuy Phong District, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam | |
974175075 | |
06/01/2010 | |
Private enterprise |
Not operating at registered address | |
Vietnamese accounting standards and regime | |
Production of non-alcoholic beverages | |
02/05/2024 | |
Established on 06/01/2010, DNTN THỰC PHẨM PHAN RÍ has a tax ID of 3400757142 . The company is headquartered at No. 163 Thong Nhat, Phan Ri Cua Town, Tuy Phong District, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam and operates in Production of non-alcoholic beverages . |
Registered business lines
Industry code | Industry name |
11042 | Production of non-alcoholic beverages |