vietnamcompanycheck 3502465124 - VUNG TAU MAILAND REAL ESTATE COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH BĐS VŨNG TÀU MAILAND
Business ID/ Tax ID 3502465124
Paid-up capital
Head office 11C Tran Phu Street, Thanh Son Quarter, Phuoc Buu Town, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 25/11/2021
Legal type of business Non-state limited company
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Real estate consulting, brokerage, auctioning, and auctioning of land use rights.
Last update 02/05/2024
Established on 25/11/2021, CÔNG TY TNHH BĐS VŨNG TÀU MAILAND has a tax ID of 3502465124 and an initial capital of (VNĐ),00 . The company is headquartered at 11C Tran Phu Street, Thanh Son Quarter, Phuoc Buu Town, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province, Vietnam and operates in Real estate consulting, brokerage, auctioning, and auctioning of land use rights. .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0810 Stone, Sand, Gravel, and Clay Quarrying
1030 Processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables
1610 Wood cutting, splitting, and planing; wood preservation
3511 Electricity production
3812 Collection of hazardous waste
3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
3830 Recycling of recyclable materials
4322 Installation of water supply and drainage systems, heating and air conditioning systems
4511 Wholesale trade of motor vehicles and other motor vehicles
4513 Retail dealership of motor vehicles and other motor vehicles
4530 Sale of spare parts and accessories for motor vehicles and other motor vehicles
4541 Sale of motorcycles and scooters
4543 Sale of spare parts and accessories for motorcycles and scooters
4610 Agents, brokers, and auctioneers of goods
4632 Wholesale of food products
4633 Wholesale of beverages
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4662 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
4663 Wholesale of materials and installation equipment for construction
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4711 Retail trade in groceries, food, beverages, cigarettes, and cigars in general merchandise stores
4752 Retail sale of locks, paints, glass, and other construction installation materials in specialized stores
4933 Road freight transport.
5021 Inland water passenger transport.
5022 Inland water freight transport.
5210 Warehousing and storage of goods
5222 Direct support activities for water transportation
5224 Cargo handling
5229 Other support services related to transportation
5510 Short-stay accommodation services
5610 Restaurants and mobile food service activities
5630 Beverage service activities
6820 Real estate consulting, brokerage, auctioning, and auctioning of land use rights.
7830 Labor Supply and Management
8219 Photocopying, Document Preparation, and Other Specialized Office Support Activities