3800100344-001 - UNT PHUOC TIN COMMUNE
Vietnamese name | UNT XÃ PHƯỚC TÍN |
3800100344-001 | |
- Phuoc Tin Commune - Phuoc Long Town - Binh Phuoc | |
12/09/2012 | |
Business and administrative units |
Terminated | |
Vietnamese accounting standards and regime | |
General State Management and Comprehensive Economic Activities | |
02/05/2024 | |
Established on 12/09/2012, UNT XÃ PHƯỚC TÍN has a tax ID of 3800100344-001 . The company is headquartered at - Phuoc Tin Commune - Phuoc Long Town - Binh Phuoc and operates in General State Management and Comprehensive Economic Activities . |
Registered business lines
Industry code | Industry name |
84112 | General State Management and Comprehensive Economic Activities |