vietnamcompanycheck 3800413072 - BAO CHI COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH BẢO CHI
Business ID/ Tax ID 3800413072
Head office 63, Binh Loi Village, Phuoc Minh Commune, Bu Gia Map District, Binh Phuoc
Date of registration 08/04/2008
Invoice suspension penalty records Invoice issuance warnings date: 23/05/2016
Invoice issuance warnings date: 25/02/2016
Tax overdue payment history Time of late tax payment: February 25, 2016 Announcing unit: Binh Phuoc Provincial Tax Department, February 25, 2016
Legal type of business Non-state limited company
Operating status Not operating at registered address
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Wood processing and production of wood products, bamboo, rattan (excluding beds, cabinets, tables, chairs); production of products from straw, reed, and braided materials
Last update 02/05/2024
Established on 08/04/2008, CÔNG TY TNHH BẢO CHI has a tax ID of 3800413072 . The company is headquartered at 63, Binh Loi Village, Phuoc Minh Commune, Bu Gia Map District, Binh Phuoc and operates in Wood processing and production of wood products, bamboo, rattan (excluding beds, cabinets, tables, chairs); production of products from straw, reed, and braided materials .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
16 Wood processing and production of wood products, bamboo, rattan (excluding beds, cabinets, tables, chairs); production of products from straw, reed, and braided materials