vietnamcompanycheck 3801269939 - KIM NGOC GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH TỔNG HỢP KIM NGỌC
Business ID/ Tax ID 3801269939
Paid-up capital
Head office Group 3, Hamlet 5, Dong No Commune, Hon Quan District, Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 04/03/2022
Legal type of business Non-state limited liability company with 2 or more members
Operating status Not operating at registered address
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Retail sale of locks, paints, glass, and other construction installation materials in specialized stores
Last update 02/05/2024
KIM NGOC GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED has a tax ID 3801269939 and was founded on 04/03/2022 . The company has an initial capital of (VNĐ),00 and is headquartered at Group 3, Hamlet 5, Dong No Commune, Hon Quan District, Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam . It operates in the sector of Retail sale of locks, paints, glass, and other construction installation materials in specialized stores . The company is currently Not operating at registered address .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4663 Wholesale of materials and installation equipment for construction
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4752 Retail sale of locks, paints, glass, and other construction installation materials in specialized stores
4933 Road freight transport.