vietnamcompanycheck 3801293522 - THE ANH TRADING BUSINESS COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH KINH DOANH THƯƠNG MẠI THẾ ANH
Business ID/ Tax ID 3801293522
Paid-up capital
Head office Group 3, Hamlet 2, Tan Lap Commune, Dong Phu District, Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 08/11/2023
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Manufacture of beds, cabinets, tables and chairs
Last update 02/05/2024
THE ANH TRADING BUSINESS COMPANY LIMITED was established on 08/11/2023 with the tax ID of 3801293522 and an initial capital of (VNĐ),00 . The headquarters is located at Group 3, Hamlet 2, Tan Lap Commune, Dong Phu District, Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam . The company specializes in Manufacture of beds, cabinets, tables and chairs . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0220 Wood Logging
0231 Extraction of Other Forest Products, excluding Wood
0232 Collection of Other Forest Products, excluding Wood
1610 Wood cutting, splitting, and planing; wood preservation
1621 Manufacture of plywood, laminated wood, particleboard, and other wood-based panels
1622 Manufacture of wooden construction products
1623 Manufacture of wooden packaging
1629 Manufacture of other wood products; production of products from straw, reed, and braided materials
3100 Manufacture of beds, cabinets, tables and chairs
4620 Wholesale of agricultural and forestry raw materials (excluding wood, bamboo, and rattan) and live animals
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4661 Wholesale of solid fuel, liquid fuel, gas, and related products
4662 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
4663 Wholesale of materials and installation equipment for construction
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4752 Retail sale of locks, paints, glass, and other construction installation materials in specialized stores
4759 Retail sale of household electrical appliances, beds, cabinets, tables, chairs, similar furniture, lamps, and lighting equipment, and other household items not elsewhere classified in specialized stores
7410 Specialized design activities.
9524 Repair of beds, wardrobes, tables, chairs, and similar furniture.