vietnamcompanycheck 3901150905 - TAX CODE OF TAN HIEP AREA

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name MST ĐỊA BÀN TÂN HIỆP
English name Tax code of TAN HIEP AREA
Business ID/ Tax ID 3901150905
Head office Tan Hiep Commune - Tan Hiep Commune - Tan Chau District - Tay Ninh
Date of registration 12/09/2012
Legal type of business Business and administrative units
Operating status Terminated
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Rice Cultivation

- Cultivation activities (transplanting, sowing) of rice crops: wet rice, upland rice.
Last update 02/05/2024
Tax code of TAN HIEP AREA has a tax ID of 3901150905 and was registered on 12/09/2012 and its headquarters are located at Tan Hiep Commune - Tan Hiep Commune - Tan Chau District - Tay Ninh . The primary business activity is Rice Cultivation .The company is Terminated .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0111 Rice Cultivation