vietnamcompanycheck 4300334762 - PHONG VAN AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name HỢP TÁC XÃ NÔNG NGHIỆP PHỔ VĂN
Business ID/ Tax ID 4300334762
Head office Tap An Nam TDP - Pho Van Ward - Duc Pho Town - Quang Ngai
Date of registration 04/11/2005
Legal type of business Cooperative
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Crop Farming Service Activities

- Specialized activities are provided to external parties on a fee or contract basis for the following tasks:
- - Plant treatment;
- - Spraying plant protection chemicals, preventing pests and diseases for plants, stimulating growth, and crop insurance;
- - Cutting, trimming, pruning perennial trees;
- - Land preparation, sowing, transplanting, sowing, harvesting;
- - Control harmful organisms on plant varieties;
- - Check seeds and seedlings;
- - Rental of agricultural machines with operators;
- - Irrigation and drainage activities for farming.
Last update 02/05/2024
PHONG VAN AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE has a tax ID of 4300334762 and was registered on 04/11/2005 and its headquarters are located at Tap An Nam TDP - Pho Van Ward - Duc Pho Town - Quang Ngai . The primary business activity is Crop Farming Service Activities .The company is Active (Issued with certification) .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0161 Crop Farming Service Activities
6492 Other credit granting activities.