vietnamcompanycheck 4300891876 - MY HOA TRADING AND SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH TM & DV MỸ HOA
Business ID/ Tax ID 4300891876
Paid-up capital
Head office 27 Nguyen Nghiem, Pho Ninh Ward, Duc Pho Town, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam
Date of registration 26/09/2023
Legal type of business Non-state limited liability company with 2 or more members
Operating status Temporarily closed
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Wholesale of food products
Last update 02/05/2024
MY HOA TRADING AND SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED has a tax ID 4300891876 and was founded on 26/09/2023 . The company has an initial capital of (VNĐ),00 and is headquartered at 27 Nguyen Nghiem, Pho Ninh Ward, Duc Pho Town, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam . It operates in the sector of Wholesale of food products . The company is currently Temporarily closed .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4610 Agents, brokers, and auctioneers of goods
4620 Wholesale of agricultural and forestry raw materials (excluding wood, bamboo, and rattan) and live animals
4632 Wholesale of food products
4633 Wholesale of beverages
4634 Wholesale of tobacco and betel nut products
4641 Wholesale of fabrics, apparel, footwear
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4721 Retail trade in groceries in specialized stores
4722 Retail trade in food in specialized stores
4723 Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
4724 Retail sale of tobacco and betel nut products in specialized stores
4753 Retail sale of carpets, mats, blankets, curtains, wallpapers, and floor coverings in specialized stores
4759 Retail sale of household electrical appliances, beds, cabinets, tables, chairs, similar furniture, lamps, and lighting equipment, and other household items not elsewhere classified in specialized stores
4761 Retail sale of books, newspapers, magazines, and stationery in specialized stores
4763 Retail sale of sports equipment and accessories in specialized stores
4772 Retail sale of drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and toiletries in specialized stores