vietnamcompanycheck 4300892333 - LY SON DISTRICT MEDIA - CULTURE - SPORTS CENTER

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name TRUNG TÂM TRUYỀN THÔNG - VĂN HÓA - THỂ THAO HUYỆN LÝ SƠN
English name Ly Son District Media - Culture - Sports Center
Business ID/ Tax ID 4300892333
Head office Dong An Vinh Village, An Vinh Commune (expired), Ly Son District, Quang Ngai Province
Date of registration 16/10/2023
Operating status Terminated
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Last update 02/05/2024
Ly Son District Media - Culture - Sports Center has a tax ID 4300892333 and was established on 16/10/2023 and its headquarters are located at Dong An Vinh Village, An Vinh Commune (expired), Ly Son District, Quang Ngai Province . The company is currently Terminated