vietnamcompanycheck 4300894644 - VU GIA QUANG NGAI GARMENT COMPANY LIMITED

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name CÔNG TY TNHH MAY MẶC VŨ GIA QUẢNG NGÃI
Business ID/ Tax ID 4300894644
Paid-up capital
Head office Hiep Pho Tay Village, Hanh Trung Commune, Nghia Hanh District, Quang Ngai Province
Date of registration 09/01/2024
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Ready-made textile product manufacturing (excluding clothing)

- - Manufacture of ready-made woven products from any textile materials, including wool fabrics such as:
- + Blankets, sleeping bags,
- Bed linen, table or kitchen linen,
- + Blankets, duvets, chair cushions, pillows and sleeping bags.
- - Production of ready-made textile products such as:
- + Drapes, curtains, blinds, bed sheets, machinery or table and chair covers,
- + Plastic fabrics, tents, camping gear, sails, car covers, machinery covers and tables and chairs,
- + Flags, banners, flags...
- + Dust cloths, dishcloths, cups, plates and similar items, life jackets, parachutes.
- This group also includes:
- - Production of electric blankets;
- - Production of hand-embroidered carpets;
- - Production of automobile tire covering fabric.
Last update 02/05/2024
VU GIA QUANG NGAI GARMENT COMPANY LIMITED has a tax ID 4300894644 and was established on 09/01/2024 . The company’s initial capital is (VNĐ),00 and its headquarters are located at Hiep Pho Tay Village, Hanh Trung Commune, Nghia Hanh District, Quang Ngai Province . The primary business activity is Ready-made textile product manufacturing (excluding clothing) . The company is currently Active (Issued with certification) . For more details, contact 0941168179

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
1392 Ready-made textile product manufacturing (excluding clothing)
1410 Clothing production (excluding fur clothing)
4641 Wholesale of fabrics, apparel, footwear
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4669 Wholesale of other unspecified specialized products
4933 Road freight transport.
8532 Intermediate Training