vietnamcompanycheck 4401108738 - PHU YEN RICE PAPER COOPERATIVE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name HỢP TÁC XÃ BÁNH TRÁNG PHÚ YÊN
English name Phu Yen rice paper cooperative
Business ID/ Tax ID 4401108738
Head office Quarter 1, Hoa Vinh Ward, Dong Hoa Town, Phu Yen
Date of registration 06/12/2023
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Production of baked goods

- Production of cakes from flour such as:
- - Production of dry or refrigerated pastries, fresh cakes;
- Production of loaf-shaped bread;
- - Production of pies, cakes, pate cakes, fruit cakes...
- - Production of biscuits and other dry pastries;
- - Production of snack products (dumplings, crackers, pretzels...) salty or sweet;
- - Production of corn cakes;
- - Production of shrimp chips;
- - Production of refrigerated pastries: soft cakes, rolls, waffles...
Last update 02/05/2024
Established on 06/12/2023, HỢP TÁC XÃ BÁNH TRÁNG PHÚ YÊN (shortened as HTX BÁNH TRÁNG PHÚ YÊN) has a tax ID of 4401108738 . The company is headquartered at Quarter 1, Hoa Vinh Ward, Dong Hoa Town, Phu Yen and operates in Production of baked goods .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
1071 Production of baked goods
1062 Production of starch and starch-based products
1074 Production of pasta, noodles, and similar products
4722 Retail trade in food in specialized stores
4632 Wholesale of food products