vietnamcompanycheck 5500472916 - HUONG SON COOPERATIVE

vietnamcompanycheck Vietnamese name HỢP TÁC XÃ HƯƠNG SON
Short name Hợp Tác Xã Hương Son
Business ID/ Tax ID 5500472916
Head office Residential Group 10 - Song Ma Town - Song Ma District - Son La
Date of registration 09/01/2013
Legal type of business Cooperative
Operating status Not operating at registered address
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Construction of civil engineering works
Last update 02/05/2024
Established on 09/01/2013, HỢP TÁC XÃ HƯƠNG SON (shortened as Hợp Tác Xã Hương Son) has a tax ID of 5500472916 . The company is headquartered at Residential Group 10 - Song Ma Town - Song Ma District - Son La and operates in Construction of civil engineering works .

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
42 Construction of civil engineering works
46322 Wholesale of seafood